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Our Sustainability Promise


At Home Bargains Flowers, we're passionately committed to our planet

As a leading UK sustainable florist, we're proud recipients of the Ethical Company Award. For over a decade, our unwavering dedication to ethical practices has set us apart, allowing us to deliver stunning bouquets right to your doorstep. Our mission is to offer you exquisite floral arrangements while preserving the environment and supporting ethical standards


We're proud to be plastic-free!

We've eliminated single-use plastics from our products, offering fully recyclable and compostable packaging for eco-friendly floral arrangements. Our ethical practices, from production to dispatch, reduce our carbon footprint and preserve the planet for future generations. Choose our bouquets to support a greener, more sustainable world. Let's bloom responsibly together!


Dedicated to fair and ethical farming

Our partnerships are with top flower farms, and strict audits ensure worker rights, ethical production, and sustainability. We prioritise the well-being of workers and the environment in every step. Choose our flowers to support a brand making a positive impact on people and the planet


At Home Bargains Flowers, we're dedicated to caring for our planet as we bring you the best in floral delights

Our facilities are cutting-edge, featuring advancements like gas-free production and solar panels. Sustainability is at our core, with all materials recycled, and imported plastics and green waste locally composted. Our goal is to make a positive impact on the environment, creating a greener future


Impressive Facts


Every year, we transform 104 tonnes of green waste into compost, which is equivalent to the weight of eight double-decker buses!


Our flowers bask in the natural sunlight, eliminating the need for commercial heating and any chemical pesticides


Our letterbox gifts include moulded paper pulp, made from 100% recycled paper. This material is impressively eco-friendly and versatile


Simple Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Preserve Memories: Press and frame your flowers to make them last forever. This prevents them from ending up in landfills.

Prolong Beauty: Keep your once-glorious bouquet as a centrepiece for longer by drying your flowers. This way, you can enjoy their beauty for an extended period.

Recycle Responsibly: Instead of discarding your stems and flower waste, recycle them by adding them to the compost bin. This eco-friendly practice benefits the environment.

Let's all do our part in making a positive impact on the planet!

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